This will get you…..
Mom told cancer would ‘eat away at your nose’ without urgent treatment
By Alexandria Hein
Published November 14, 2019 Fox News
A mom in the U.K. who said she had no reason to suspect that the spot on the edge of her nose was skin cancer has been left with a bloody wound on her face that she says may take up to a year to heal and is causing people to stare.

Mandy Pollard, pictured with her son, said the small spot on her nose had been there for about two years before she mentioned it to a doctor. (SWNS)
“It was probably around two years ago that I had a spot on the end of my nose but it kept coming and going so I didn’t really think much about it,” Mandy Pollard, of Cambridgeshire, England, told British news agency SWNS. “Then it just started to change, it got bigger, it was paper-thin. I would wake up in the night and my partner would say, ‘Your nose is bleeding.’”
The 37-year-old said her own mother had a cancerous spot removed from her arm, but that still didn’t prompt her to seek medical attention until she was at the doctor for another reason. It was then that she was referred to a dermatologist and plastic surgeon who told her the situation was dire, according to SWNS.

Yes This is serious stuff….Sun screen and wide brimmed hats….a must….Talk soon…Jim