Taco Tuesday
Taco Tuesday…..I love Taco Tuesday! But who doesn’t! So go out tonight….have a taco….and a couple (or 3) of Margarita’s….and you’ll understand and appreciate my love of Taco Tuesday’s!
Veterans day is just around the corner. It’s a National Holiday, yet do we give it “it’s do”? Do we do a good job of educating our young the importance of the sacrifices men and women have made to preserve our freedoms? I think it’s become known as just another 3 day weekend. Yes I know, some of you go to the local Vet’s parade or a VFW hall for a celebration or picnic, but do we educate people about who we’ve lost! One of the things I loved seeing is when I had football players graduate and then attend a military academy. They humbled me, I was so Proud! Guys like Brian Walsh, Cody Beck, Brad Corcoran, BJ Wiley and I’m sure I missed some but these guys were special. What’s amazing is that at Christmas we celebrate the birth of Jesus and Santa Claus with all it’s commercialization but if it wasn’t for the supreme sacrifices of so many….There would be no Christmas in the USA! So you tell me….Do we?
OK….enough of the preaching….I guess I could have put that under Pet Peeves.
During one summer at RHS, we came up with the idea of having the Marines come out to practice and put us thru a Marine training session (conditioning period)….now that was fun….We were carrying Ammo boxes (filled with rocks….Fred Flinstones ammo of choice)…wounded buddy Carry….throw grenades (fake ones thank god)…Belly crawls…Relay races..It killed us! But it really opened our eyes…..we needed more conditioning or we better surrender! We choose the former….=)
I’ve had a lot of questions from fellow coaches about maintaining a Football Booster club. Some coaches love them and some hate them, but I felt they were a necessity. My group was called “Parents for Terrier Football”, or “PTF”. I had 2 Key premises for this group. First, they were there to SUPPORT the football program, not DIRECT the FB program. And secondly, I knew I had to keep them busy….I mean busy with things to do, snack bar, fundraisers, Dad’s Saturday pancake breakfasts, Adopt a Terrier, Terrier cards, Optimist games, Camp week meals, soft goods sales, 50-50 raffle, banners and advertising (just to name a few) . “Idle hands are the devils tool”. If you kept them busy during the season, they didn’t have time to bitch and moan. They were too busy! But I can tell you, that thru the years I had an incredible group of parents that understood their role. Every once in awhile you get a parent with their own hidden agenda, you just have to hope they aren’t good friends with the superintendent. =)
Ok….I’ll give you tease for tomorrow….Rookie Shows!
Talk Soon….Jim