Some Pet Peeves
As I told you earlier, I went in today for my EKG and blood tests prior to my surgery. Seems like all is ok and I’m ready for the next phase! Get this S#$@ out of my body! =)
OK….so here goes. Melanoma. Crazy Skin Cancer. Not a pleasant thought esp. with all those web sites you visit waiting to see the doctor. It is scary. (Esp during the Halloween season.) But here is the key. Early detection. Any suspicious spot or mole, have them checked. My doctor really brought me back to earth. She feels she can get it all. I guess I have the most prevalent melanoma. More of a surface spreading type vs the tougher burrowing type. Both can be devastating but she feels we have caught it in time. Depending on the margins and the depth of the cancer, future chemo or radiation hopefully won’t be necessary. With a physical exam, she feels that the cancer has not reached my nodes. Pathology of the margins will give them and me an understanding of what happens next.
OK a Pet peeve. I was waiting in line at Jack in the box this morning. A couple of cars were ahead of me. I placed my order and she told me the amount. As we inched forward, I took the $ out of my center console getting ready to pay my debt for a breakfast Jack. I was finally one car back from the window, having been waiting for 10 minutes. (I know, but it seems like 30)…..I can see the gal in front of me….Talk to the gal in the window….then she reaches over to grab her purse….dig in there for a minute or 2, searching for her payment. Then she too searches her center console for change. Then back to the purse. She finally pulls out a debit card to make her payment. I know….probably only 3 or 4 minutes had passed…..but it’s a drive thru…..they give you the amount at the speaker!….Be ready…..=)….I guess as we grow older….S$%#@ like this bothers us.
My next Peeve…=)…I know most of you don’t care, but High School Football is on week 10 of the regular season. They start so early now, so they can fit in the CIF playoff games and then the State CIF playoff games before Christmas hits. HS football is now playing more games than Div 1 FBS football programs do to win a National Championship. Last year Clemson played less games than the CA. state HS champion. Pretty incredible when the emphasis is supposedly on player safety. I believe to win the State CIF Championship in California you must play 17 games. That is really incredible. I guess the almighty Dollar is more important than the players safety.
You know I met my future wife, Mary, when I first started coaching at Alemany HS back in 1978. I wouldn’t call her for a date until September of 1982. Our first date was scouting a football game, Servite HS vs Ganesha HS. I knew right then, she was a keeper. =) I’m not sure if she felt the same way. =) We did have a margarita or 2 after the game, that helped. This past July was 35 years….BTW….Not a Peeve….=)
Talk soon…Jim