No One Fights alone

October 30, 2019 Off By Jim Walker

Hump day! I received the call….I’m scheduled for surgery tomorrow at 1:00. Let’s go!

Now for all the non-sense…..Readers digest version….I was supposed to start my Lovenox shots this morning and it was quite the adventure. I went to CVS pharmacy yesterday to pick up the 7 shots, only to find out they were not approved by my Ins yet….I needed one to start my pre-op procedure by today….So I just purchased one shot so I’d have it this morning. Expecting my Ins to approve these shots at some point. So I got up this morning to take it….only to find that the shot was defective. (that’s a whole nother story!) I returned to my pharmacy (had to wait until 9 when it opens) to pick up the other shots only to find that they still hadn’t been approved. The pharmacist was great. He gave me a new shot and I gave it to myself right there in line. He told me….”That was a first!”…I believe it. BTW….later in the day…they were approved.

So tomorrow….I should go in….they will remove the cancer….they will immediately check the tissue margins. That should take 30 minutes or so. If the samples come back clean….sew me up….if not….they will take another centimeter around the spot. If they do that, I will need a skin graft. I explained if they do a skin graft, please take it from my belly….I need some help there….=)…But…it will probably come from my neck area. Which is fine….I need help there as well,  with my double chin  =) so I’m good.

Remember, Bob Hahn called me yesterday. It was great to hear his voice. He hired me at Terrierville back in 1991. Bob had been the AD there for, I believe, the previous century. What I loved about Bob, he was always black and white. No grey areas. You knew where you stood. You knew he’d support you no matter what. I wish all HS administrators had this invaluable quality. It’s a lost commodity.

This Fire season is crazy. And I don’t expect it to get any better in the future. My Son in law is a Riverside Fireman. So every time there is a flare up I think of him and his family.  Danny is married to my beautiful daughter Katie. One of the reasons Mary and I moved to Riverside, was because of our new (& first) grandson Joey! Katelyn teaches Biology at a local HS, like her mother did at RHS. Fireman, like Danny, are incredible people…..who risk their own safety to protect our safety! My thoughts and prayers are for all those men, fighting those fires, for us!

One of my best friends, Bill and Mary Garrison, sent us these black bracelets to wear as a family. They are engraved with the words….”No one Fights Alone!”….and I can tell you….I’m not alone….I have received incredible love and support. Thank you all!….Now I can tell you…..Because of all the pranks Bill and I played on each other over the years…..when I first opened those bracelets….and I saw they were black….I thought…. “ Oh great! He sent me a funeral bracelet!”….” boy do I owe him one!”…..=)…But I do…Thx Bill and Mary!  BTW….Tell Pat….I’m hungry for some good Pizza!

Well I’ll give you a bit more tomorrow before I go in…..Take Care….Jim