NFL Pick of the day

October 27, 2019 Off By Jim Walker

Good Morning Y’all….Another great Sunday to be on this side of the grass! I’m excited to get this surgery done. Hard for me to believe that anyone would say that!

I haven’t been a big Sunday NFL Football guy. When I was coaching HS football, Sunday was our big work day, preparing for our upcoming opponent. The whole staff would meet at 12 noon or earlier on Sunday. This was a must. Coaches wanted to be there. The camaraderie of all of us sacrificing together was important! Yes it was a hard but we knew it would pay off. I believe if a guy was getting a stipend, this was part of the job description. We would break up the scouting report into responsibilities. Then the respective staffs would get together to formulate a game plan. One thing I really enjoyed was the Sunday dinner. From Marijon Ancich, legendary ST Paul Coach, I stole this idea. At the start of the year I had a sign up sheet for parents of our team, to supply dinner at 5pm on Sunday for the staff. We had some incredible dinners. (We had a few poor ones as well)….=) But this gave the staff some down time just to relax and tell a few stories. After dinner I would discuss the game week, Practice schedule, Injuries, SP Teams, Practice plan templates, coaching conflicts(attendance), Player Chalk Talk schedule, Evaluation of opponents strengths and weaknesses. Then we would break off into respective staffs to finalize the game plan. I wanted all of us on the same page, period. Personally, without this type of commitment by the staff, unless you just have better creatures (players) at all positions, you will not be ready to play.

Well, I made it thru our adventure to see Anastasia at the Pantages Theatre last night. It only took us 2 hours to drive into LA. Traffic was brutal. When we arrived at the restaurant that we always eat at prior to going to the Pantages. (We have season tickets) It was closed for business, permanently. Not a great start. =) We did find a spot. Now, the play. In the first half of the play prior to intermission. I feel asleep twice. Very slow. But after intermission, it was pretty good. It was funny and entertaining. Mary and I really enjoyed it. Overall I’d give it a thumbs up. We arrived back in Riverside at midnite. I think next year we will look into season tickets somewhere closer, like Riverside or maybe even Orange county. That LA traffic sucks the life out of you. At my age I can’t afford it. =)

Ok here’s my Sunday Pick…..BBQ…..Always eat BBQ on a Sunday. =)

See you tomorrow…..Jim