Monday…another week

November 5, 2019 Off By Jim Walker

Well…. what a great Monday…if Monday’s can be great….=)….I subbed today at MLK JROTC….They gave me a Get Well card signed by everyone and I mean everyone….The  Declaration of Independence  had less signatures.

I texted with a few of my Alumni coaches today….and congratulated them on making the Playoffs. Ken Mushinskie at Ramona HS (He played QB for me at Temple City), Derrick Dial at Beaumont HS (Played QB for me at Redlands HS and coached for me as well) and Wes Cottier at Kaiser HS (Played DL for me at Redlands HS and coached for me as well). I can tell you, RUSD made a huge mistake letting those guys escape and they tried to get a job. Great coaches equals Great teachers. No Doubt!

Went in today to get a blood test. Hopefully my Coumadin levels are high enough to get me off those Lovenox shots! We’ll see tomorrow.

I’m watching the Dallas game….so back to Football….Talk soon….Jim