It’s OK to Comment…=)
I saw 2 people commented on Dennis. They were awesome. Yesterday we had over 175 people read the blog…..I’d love to hear your thoughts as well. Don’t be shy…..=)… fact today…..over 1300 views…..says a lot about the man!
Family, Football, Retirement, and Cancer
My game plan for fighting melanoma and some of my favorite stories…
I saw 2 people commented on Dennis. They were awesome. Yesterday we had over 175 people read the blog…..I’d love to hear your thoughts as well. Don’t be shy…..=)… fact today…..over 1300 views…..says a lot about the man!
I had tears in my eyes yesterday when I tried to comment. I can’t tell you how much Coach Haughn meant to our family. He took Shaun under his wing and taught him all he knew about kicking. He also taught him about life. Because of this Shaun was able to attend a 4 year University in a full scholarship and became a better man. Coach and Mrs. Haughn will always have a special place in the hearts of the McClain family. Shaun wrote a note on his FB page… look it up if you haven’t seen it. We love you Coach Haughn…. RIP… until we see you again…💕🥰