I’m back……..

January 17, 2020 Off By Jim Walker

Well it’s been a few weeks since I last posted. How about that Dave Aranda! Wins the National Championship at LSU and a week later becomes the Head Coach at Baylor! Now that’s a week for the books! The Long Blue Line is incredibly PROUD!

So many programs are beginning to gear up for a new push. I love this time of the season. So much optimism and hope. The key is the staff. You need to make sure you have a group of guys that are all on the same page. These next 4 months are the most critical. Yes the weight room is a priority but getting the staff together for bi-weekly meeting (at the minimum) is key.

Every member of the Varsity Staff has to buy in completely. This is how you will know if they will buy in during the season. The season is easy and fun but if they buy in during these off months…..you know you have a real guy.

The one thing I always hated was 7on7. I knew the kids liked it…..as well as the defensive guys. But for the offense it was so unrealistic. Now some teams are having 25+ passing 7on7 games, I’d rather be in the weight room for extra reps. In fact almost every college recruiter will tell you….7on7 film is worthless.

We’ll Talk soon…..Jim