Game Plan

October 23, 2019 Off By Jim Walker

Well I guess I will start with the elephant in the room….yep on October 19th I received the dreaded call. A biopsy of a small mole on my temple revealed a malignant melanoma. I know…..just that word “MALIGNANT” scares the heck out of you and me both….but as a retired football coach….I started putting together a GAME PLAN….and I can tell you….that sounded easy but it wasn’t the reality. Who do you call? Where do you start? Who do you tell? And with doctors and insurance…it’s always “Hurry and Wait”……So I decided to write this Blog about my daily journey…..

I’m also going to include stories about my 35 years of being a High School head football coach, stories of retirement, my family and my friends.

I’m going to hopefully give the lighter side of all the above…..even the lighter side of Melanoma if that’s possible….I’m hoping this blog will be good therapy for me and for others. I’ve never entertained the idea of a blog or even how to start one….so bear with me as I begin this task of love…..I’m sure many of my former boosters are hoping I’m a better blogger than I was a coach, as am I.

As I sit hear typing this early draft, I realize there are so many directions I can go. So many topics I can discuss. So the plan will vary day to day with no set outline. I’m sure I will start with my Melanoma Melodrama or “MM” as I’ll call it. But then it’s no holds barred.

So here we Go…..