Everyday I remember so many things that stand-out about my career in coaching. I crossed paths with so many outstanding men and coaches. That first year at Redlands in 1992, I couldn’t believe how lucky I was to inherit such a great group of coaches. Mike Mauger, Jim Evans, George Tesla, Sam Richey, Coy Glass, Bill Havard, Chuck Baker and Dick Shelbourne really stand out.
Dick Shelbourne and I had crossed paths a few years earlier in our careers. One of the first times, was on the sideline of a Redlands vs St John Bosco CIF playoff game. Jim Evans was the head coach at Redlands. Down in the endzone was Dick and former Redlands HC Paul Womack, so I joined them to say Hi. I was the HC at St. Paul HS at the time. This was my first meeting with Dick. And I can tell you Dick knew everyone in Redlands. I’d meet Dick again a few years later. He and I were both interviewing for the open HC position at San Dimas HS. We were both in the waiting room, waiting for our interview. It was a bit awkward at first but Dick was a great guy, with a hardy laugh. So soon we were swapping stories and lies. Dick ended up beating me out for that job. Little did I know just a few years later he would be coaching my secondary at Redlands HS. I believe the two most crucial coaches on any staff is OL and the secondary. Dick was one of the best.
Dick would later become the HC of our rival….REV. Dick replaced Chuck Baker. The Wildcats were really down when Dick took the reins. I remember in his second year, they made an incredible turn around. We were playing those Mildcats at the U of R, we had a lead of 7-0 late in the game. Now remember in those previous 3 years of playing MEV….Mentone East Valley….we had beaten them by 45 or more each year. So here we are only leading by 7 late in the game…..Dick had brought these guys a long way…..We were driving the ball late in the game and we had a 4th down and 5 in the RED ZONE….We really needed to create more space between us and those guys……I called a TE pop pass…..as we lined up Dick was yelling from their sideline…..”Pop Pass…Pop Pass”….”Heads up the Pop Pass.”….He had recognized our set…..Nothing I could do…..No time outs left…..So we ran it…..Thank god his kids either didn’t hear him or got lost on the play action….But we hit it and scored….the final score was 14-0. But that really was the beginning of REV football. They started to believe they could play with the Terriers…..and Dick gave them that. BTW….I’m still pissed I lost Dick to the dark side of MEV. =)
When Dick was coaching for me, he was part of the first coaching trip that I sent our staff on. I sent Miguel Olmedo, Bob Sierra, Sam Richey and Dick to Penn st. The trip started with them being delayed in Minnesota because of a snow storm. They finally made it to Penn st the next day. Dick and Bob worked with the DB coach at the time, Greg Schiano. Who just recently became the HC at Rutgers, again. Miguel went to listen to a coach named Sandusky….Yes that one……And what was weird….when he returned from that trip. He told me that there was something wrong or off about that guy……and we all know the rest of that story…unfortunately.
Dick and Laurie Shelbourne still live in Redlands…..A true Redlands Guy…..
Talk Soon….Jim